Sunday, June 14, 2009

For those of you who are still interested in being involved, I've been working on some thoughts for the 400 square foot home that we'll be submitting to the prefab 20*20 competition.

My current plan is to send our application once I'm in Calgary on July 1st. I would have loved to submit an early bird reg, but it sounds like everyone has been much too busy.

Let's use the 400 square feet to see what we can accomplish with it. It would be an interesting challenge to pull off the cyclic system we've been discussing so frequently.

I posted on the afh faq page:
"I’m curious whether we should adhere to standard restrictions and regulations for this home wherever possible, or if we should simply design as we see fit for the purposes of furthering creative ideas."

Prefab is another concept that I'm curious. What makes something prefab? Is it simply the parts which are manufactured elsewhere and put together onsite? By this definition, we could include plants and animals as prefab components. (I would love to include chickens as part of the cycle. Or brewing alcohol and growing mushrooms on the lees.)

I'll do some research as well on aspects of design which can benefit socially. A couple ideas include a patio/ deck out front (which has been shown to reduce crime) and he ability to produce one type of crop, which would encourage trading with neighbors.

Notes and sketches to come!

1 comment:

  1. Entry on it's way in now. I've emailed them about my lack of credit card and hopefully we can sort things out in time for early-bird worms.
